
Private Sessions
NDIS Registered Provider
Accredited Exercise Physiologist
30+ Private Health Insurers now pay a benefit for services provided by Accredited Exercise Physiologists.
Kita is a registered Exercise Physiologist with the NDIS, providing services under therapeutic supports.
Kita is an Accredited Exercise Physiologist and a full member of Exercise and Sports Science Australia (ESSA).
Exercise/ Movement Program
Suitable for anybody that wants to find enjoyable movement, increase or change the way that they move.
1 hr Assessment
During an initial assessment we will look at your goals, your previous experience and any considerations. Assessment measures will be taken in order to establish a baseline that we can measure steps towards your goal against.
Individual sessions
Sessions of your choice of duration (half hour or hour session) and mode (in-person or virtual). Exercise/ Movement program tailored to your needs will be prescribed, demonstrated and worked through.
Review sessions
Regular review sessions are needed to re-assess measures towards your goals and/ or to adjust and/ or progress activities. It is recommended that every 6th session while doing individual sessions with Kita or once a month if you are completing your program independently be a review session.
Rehabilitation Program
Suitable for those that have suffered an injury or that need to recover from a surgery to do with injury, for example, total hip replacement.
1 hr Assessment
During an initial assessment I will assess your injury as well as check for any muscular imbalances that may have contributed towards your injury or that may lead to other injuries.
Individual sessions
Sessions of your choice of duration (half hour or hour session) and mode (in-person or virtual), although it is highly recommended that at least your first 3 sessions be in-person to ensure correct positioning during rehabilitating exercises. Rehabilitation program tailored to your needs will be prescribed, demonstrated and worked through ensuring minimum strain on and maximum support of the injured area.
Review Sessions
Regular review sessions are needed to re-assess your injury and any muscular imbalances and for adjustment and progression of rehabilitation exercises. This is recommended every 4th session.
Maintenance Program
May be suitable for NDIS participants with conditions that have a physical impact on their movement ability.
1 hr Assessment
During an initial assessment I will assess your condition as well as check for any muscular imbalances that may contribute to declines in your condition. We can also set any fitness or movement goals you may have and I will conduct assessments to measure your baseline that we can re-assess you against as you make steps towards your goals.
Individual sessions
Sessions of your choice of duration (half hour or hour session) and mode (in-person or virtual), although it is highly recommended that at least your first 3 sessions be in-person to ensure correct positioning during exercises. Maintenance program tailored to your needs will be prescribed, demonstrated and worked through ensuring minimum strain.
Review Sessions
Regular review sessions are needed to re-assess your condition and any muscular imbalances and for adjustment and progression of exercises. It is recommended that every 6th session while doing individual sessions with Kita or once a month if you are completing your program independently be a review session.
Service Fees
Private fees
1 hr Assessment: $145
Individual Sessions: $115 for 1 hour, $90 for half hour
Review Sessions: $130 for 45 mins
NDIS services fees
The cost of our services are below the NDIS Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits 2024-25 rate of $193.99 an hour. Kita Sugg Exercise Physiology's current rate is $165.00 an hour for assessment, individual sessions, reports, liaison and travel. Travel charges will also include $0.97 per/km.
You may note that the price for NDIS services are above that of the price for private services, this is due to the additional paperwork required by the NDIS, audit expenses and other processes required in order to be a register NDIS provider.